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Industry Awards

The ICMG Industry Awards cover a broad spectrum of industries, recognizing those that have successfully navigated industry-specific challenges while setting new benchmarks in operational efficiency, technological advancement, and strategic growth.

Why Participate


Global Recognition and Prestige

Achieve international recognition as a leader in enterprise strategy and architecture, enhancing your brand's reputation and credibility.


Benchmarking Against the Best

Measure your strategies and architectural practices against industry leaders, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.


Exclusive Learning and Development

Gain insights from expert evaluations, detailed feedback, and presentations, enhancing your skills and knowledge through valuable participation.


Powerful Networking Opportunities

Gain insights from expert evaluations, detailed feedback, and presentations, enhancing your skills and knowledge through valuable participation.


Accelerated Business Growth

Leverage recognition and insights gained from the awards to drive business growth, attracting new clients, partners, and investors.

The Evaluation Process


Regional Round 1 - Screening

Initial evaluation at the regional level, where projects are assessed based on predefined criteria.


Regional Round 2 - Online Interactions

Selected projects participate in online interactions with evaluators to delve deeper into their initiatives.


Regional Final Round - Onsite/Online

Top projects from each region advance to the regional finals, where further scrutiny and detailed evaluations are conducted either onsite or online.


Global Final Round - Onsite

The best projects from the regional finals compete in the global finals. This stage involves in-depth reviews, presentations, and discussions with a panel of esteemed judges in an onsite setting.

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