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Writer's pictureSunil Dutt Jha

Frequently Asked Questions About the ICMG Awards & Dubai Think Tank

Updated: Jul 18

This blog covers the ICMG Rating & Awards program, providing detailed insights into its structure and benefits, as well as answering frequently asked questions about participation in the Dubai Think Tank.

The ICMG Rating & Awards program is a comprehensive initiative designed to evaluate and recognize excellence in enterprise strategy and architecture across multiple perspectives, including Strategy, Process, Systems, Components, Implementation, and Operations. The Dubai Think Tank is an exclusive onsite event where business leaders from qualified companies engage in in-depth discussions, project evaluations, and collaborative sessions to learn from their peers and gain valuable insights into industry best practices.

This blog defines each product and addresses common queries to help participants make the most of these opportunities.

This blog addresses some of the commonly asked questions in the following top-level categories:

  1. Evaluation Rounds

  2. Classification & Categories

  3. Evaluation Parameters

  4. Onsite Think Tank Participation

  5. Fee Structure

  6. Non-Disclosure Agreement & Privacy

  7. Value Proposition


Evaluation Rounds

  1. How many evaluation rounds are there in the ICMG Awards process?

  • Answer: There are three evaluation rounds for regional appreciation and regional excellence awards. There is a fourth round, the Global Final Round, for the winners from the various regional rounds.

  1. What happens during the regional final round?

  • Answer: During the regional final round, selected projects are evaluated in-depth through presentations and detailed discussions. Feedback from the jury and experts helps refine strategies and architectures.

  1. What happens during the global final round?

  • Answer: The Global Final Round is held in New York for the winners from the various regional rounds. During this round, winners of the regional excellence awards compete for the global excellence awards. These projects are evaluated in-depth through presentations and detailed discussions.


Classification & Categories

  1. What award classifications are available in the ICMG Awards?

  • Answer: The awards are divided into three classifications/groups:

  • Enterprise Strategy & Architecture - Regional Appreciation Awards

  • Enterprise Strategy & Architecture – Regional Excellence Awards

  • Enterprise Strategy & Architecture – Global Excellence Awards

  1. What are the various award categories?

  1. How do I select the appropriate award category for my project?

  • Answer: Choose the award category that best aligns with your project's focus and objectives. You can select multiple categories if applicable to different aspects of your project.


Evaluation Parameters

  1. What are the key evaluation parameters in the ICMG Awards?

  • Answer: Projects are evaluated based on six perspectives: Strategy, Process, Systems, Components, Implementation, and Operations (IT & Business). Additionally, the evaluation covers aspects like Project Complexity, Performance Indicators, Technology Models, Stakeholders and Key Expectations, Architecture Governance, Implementation Models, Well-defined Taxonomy, Strategy Models, Operation Models, and System/Logical Models. The interlinking between these perspectives and parameters is also assessed. While the Regional Appreciation Awards focus on two perspectives, the Regional Excellence Awards cover all six perspectives comprehensively.


Regional Appreciation Awards

Regional Excellence Awards

Global Excellence Awards

Participation Fee




Evaluation Perspectives

IT Components, IT Implementation

Six Perspectives: Strategy, Process, Systems, Components, Implementation, Operations (IT & Business)

Six Perspectives: Strategy, Process, Systems, Components, Implementation, Operations (IT & Business)

Depth of Evaluation

Basic assessment

Comprehensive and detailed evaluation

Comprehensive and detailed evaluation


General feedback

Detailed feedback on each perspective

Detailed feedback on each perspective


Initial recognition

Benchmarking against global standards

Benchmarking against global standards

Eligibility for Global Competition




  1. How is the maturity of enterprise architecture assessed?

  • Answer: The maturity of enterprise architecture is assessed by reviewing visual models, documentation, and the applicability of the architecture as a basis for implementation and its ability to handle ongoing business and technology changes. Projects are evaluated based on six perspectives: Strategy, Process, Systems, Components, Implementation, and Operations (IT & Business). The interlinking between these perspectives is also assessed.


Onsite Think Tank Participation

  1. What is the ICMG Dubai Think Tank?

  • Answer: The ICMG Dubai Think Tank is an onsite meeting of business leaders from companies that have qualified through the ICMG Awards & Rating program. The 3-day event is used for regional final round assessments of projects and rehash sessions. It provides opportunities for participating teams to gain insights from other projects and case studies with whom they are competing. It also offers opportunities to learn from peers in the industry about how they have addressed and solved various issues.

  1. How is this different from the ICMG Rating & Awards program?

  • Answer: The Dubai Think Tank is focused on interactive and collaborative discussions, whereas the ICMG Rating & Awards program is centered around the evaluation and recognition of enterprise architecture projects.

  1. Can our team attend the Dubai Think Tank?

  • Answer: Yes, teams participating in the Regional Appreciation Awards and the Regional Excellence Awards can attend the Dubai Think Tank. Observers and special invitees may also attend under certain conditions.

  1. How many team members can participate in the Dubai Think Tank?

  • Answer: Typically, up to 5 team members can attend. For specific attendance details, please contact our support team.

  1. Is it mandatory to attend the 3 days of the Dubai Think Tank if my project is a finalist?

  • Answer: No, you are eligible to make your presentation to the jury in a given time slot of 50-60 minutes without any charges. If you or any of your team members want to attend other project presentations, then you should opt for a one-day pass or a 3-day pass.

  1. Can I participate in the Dubai Think Tank even if I or my company doesn't have any project submission to the Rating & Awards program?

  • Answer: It's important to have a project submission to participate in the Dubai Think Tank. However, there are certain waivers if your company is an existing ICMG customer or if you have participated in the awards program in the last 5 years. You can also join as an observer to plan better for the next year, there is fee applicable.


Fee Structure

  1. What are the fees for participating in the ICMG Awards?

  • Answer: The Regional Appreciation Awards are free to participate in. The Regional Excellence Awards have nomination fees and project evaluation fees per award category.


Regional Appreciation Awards

Regional Excellence Awards

Global Excellence Awards

Nomination Fee per Award Category


$195 or $395 per award category


Project Evaluation Fee per Award Category


$2399 per award category

$2899 per award category

  1. Is there a fee for attending the Dubai Think Tank?

  • Answer: Yes, there are day passes and 3-day passes available with different fees:

  • Regional Appreciation Awards Participants: Day pass: $1399, 3-day pass: $2599

  • Regional Excellence Awards Participants: Day pass: $1299, 3-day pass: $2399

  • Observers: Day pass: $1499, 3-day pass: $2699


Regional Appreciation Awards Participants

Regional Excellence Awards Participants


Dubai Think Tank Day Pass Fee




Dubai Think Tank 3-Day Pass Fee





Non-Disclosure Agreement & Privacy

  1. Is my project information kept confidential?

  • Answer: Yes, all submitted materials are treated with strict confidentiality. Participants are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure privacy and protection of intellectual property.

  1. How is my data protected during the evaluation process?

  • Answer: Your data is securely stored and accessed only by authorized evaluation team members. We follow stringent data protection protocols to ensure your information remains secure. All communication and documents are shared only through the My Architecture Portal (


Value Proposition

  1. What are the benefits of participating in the ICMG Awards? Answer: Benefits include detailed feedback from industry experts, benchmarking against best practices, opportunities for innovation, enhanced efficiency, fostering a learning culture, and achieving long-term success. Participants also gain eligibility for the Global Excellence Awards and can attend the Dubai Think Tank for in-depth discussions and networking.

  2. How does detailed feedback help in continuous improvement?

  • Answer: Detailed feedback provides insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. It helps refine strategies, optimize processes, and make informed decisions that drive continuous improvement and long-term success.

  1. Is this another architecture conference?

  • Answer: No, the ICMG Awards and the ICMG Dubai Think Tank are not just typical conferences. Unlike programs hosted by EA tool vendors, media-sponsored events, or large exhibitions focused on marketecture, the ICMG Awards are centered around rigorous evaluations and practical, interactive discussions. These events focus on detailed feedback and case studies to drive real improvements in enterprise architecture. Unlike other well-known programs that might offer broad industry insights, the ICMG Awards provide specific, actionable feedback and opportunities to engage deeply with peers and experts in the field, fostering genuine continuous improvement and strategic alignment.

Participating in the ICMG Awards offers numerous benefits, from expert feedback to global recognition. By understanding the evaluation rounds, categories, parameters, onsite participation, fee structure, and value propositions, you can make the most of this opportunity.

For more information and to start your submission, download nomination form or contact our support team. Embrace the chance to elevate your organization's enterprise strategy and architecture, and join a community dedicated to excellence and innovation.




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